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Don’t worry. We are here to answer all your dumb questions. There was no need for this page but all good websites have one, so we also made it.

Wait. Didn’t you read this on homepage? It is legit the first thing on our website. Fine, we’ll just re-explain.
The game is fairly simple. Grab someone who is close to you or someone almost a stranger. The experience varies drastically based on your relationship with players. Grab some drinks. Now going clockwise, draw a card from the deck. Read it aloud. Either you or someone from the group or maybe everyone will drink based on the prompt on the card. Keep going until the cards finish. 

The game goes well with every drink. Be it Beer, Vodka, Whiskey, Brandy, Wine, Rum, Gin, Pepsi, Sprite or just Lemonade. A good drink is not mandatory, good company is.

Unlike clothes, these cards are not subject to size issues or incorrect fabric description. You will get what you see. They are made of same plastic that Kardashians use. Hence we don’t offer returns. However, if the product arrives damaged, write us a mail on info@beergame.in and we will replace it ASAP. More on this in our exchange policy.

Technically, we don’t charge anything on Cash on delivery. The money goes directly to our delivery partner. Besides it’s 2020. Who still doesn’t have UPI/Wallet on their phone? How did you manage demonetization? Just borrow the card from your friend. Or mom.

When you are playing a “would you rather” card, you will be asked to vote for one of the two scenarios. If the first scenario is voted by 3 participants against only 2 votes for second scenario, then both the people who voted for second scenario will drink since they are in minority.
“Minority Drinks” does not mean that you should drink if you are a religious minority.

Ah so you have been playing the game for some time now. Here is the explanation. For the one-leg stand test, the chosen person has to stand with one foot about six inches off the ground and count from 1,001 (one-thousand-one, one thousand two, etc.) until the group says to put the foot down. During the next 30 seconds, the group will look for these four indicators:

  • Hopping to maintain balance
  • Putting the foot down
  • Swaying while balancing
  • Using arms to balance

If the person exhibits two or more of the above indicators, they are drunk. You know what happens next.

Weird flex but okay. The game doesn’t come with friends, but it does come with the potential to turn your colleagues into great friends. Just bring some drinks and honesty to the table.

It’s not really a frequently asked question. More like, no one ever asks this. But we are hoping it catches on after this.
To start off, buy the game. We really need those ₹₹₹ to thrive in business. Secondly, tell your friends about the game. Word of mouth is the strongest marketing tool. A genuine story on your Instagram will bring in more leads than most sponsored posts.